Social Media Networking Essentials

Social Media Networking Essentials

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

Well, how about that! You’ve been attending all the local networking events you can, and someone you met just became your first client!

Marketing tools are essential, but good, old-fashioned elbow rubbing is important too. If there’s any marketing tool that mimics and reinforces networking and word-of-mouth marketing, it’s Social Media—the online version of schmoozing! You just learned at a marketing workshop that there is a difference between Social Media Marketing and Social Media Networking. You bring the following list home from the workshop, and it gives you the basis for a Plan:

1) What is your GOAL? Why do you have Social Media and what do you want out of it? Realistic expectations: Brand awareness, increased search engine value, long-term community connection, insight into customer minds, competitive analysis. Unrealistic: Dramatic sales increases, benefits from casual or occasional use, a “silver bullet” effect.

2) How will you ENGAGE and EDUCATE your audience? What are you going to talk about besides yourself, your products and your services? If you’re trying to use Social Media to push a sales message, don’t bother. People are looking for interaction, entertainment and information relevant to their lives. Plan to share content they will find useful and informative.

3) What VOICE will you employ? Do you want to be funny, serious, speak in a pirate accent (arrr…)? Choose a tone and personality that fits with your business and your target demographic. Just because you’re a “serious” business doesn’t mean your Facebook voice has to be. Think AFLAC and GEICO—NOT boring (and that’s the point).

4) How FREQUENTLY will you post? Set up a spreadsheet that shows dates and content you plan to post. How often you post relates to the size of your business and your following, but you should be providing new content at least a few times a week, or you will lose connection.

5) Who are you going to CONNECT with and SUPPORT? It’s better to focus on making deep connections with a few target businesses than shallow connections with a multitude. Make a target list, and then be consistent about commenting on their pages, sharing their content and developing your online relationship.

6) How will you INTEGRATE Social with your other media? This is a topic all to itself, but you need to make sure that all of your marketing is connected. One simple example: Be sure to include your social media contacts in your traditional ads (TV, radio, print, direct mail), and sometimes provide an incentive for “Liking” or “Following” you.

Call SalesFish today and our high-touch, dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals, and the marketing and sales tactics best suited to your specific needs. And, yes, we will also advise you on the best A.I. tools that actually work and complement the real people in your business!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
Brand vs. Branding: It’s Important to Know the Difference

Brand vs. Branding: It’s Important to Know the Difference

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

What comes to mind when you see an image of the Nazi swastika, or Coca-Cola bottle? Chances are, those symbols elicit fairly strong associations in both your heart and mind. What you’ve just experienced is a “brand.” So, why do we have these reactions? Because we’re human. We all think, we’re all hardwired to reason, discern, and make choices, but more importantly, we all FEEL. And, when bombarded daily with a litany of messages and choices all screaming for our attention, our minds side-step the melee, and our hearts respond to the messages which resonate most with our ideas about ourselves.

Your brand, and how you communicate it, is paramount to your business success. Your brand identity accounts for 50% or more of a company’s market value, according to marketing Guru and author Peter Fisk. Your brand is who you are as a unique business–as a culture, and is symbolized by your logo, company name and tagline. It is what makes you different and worth a second look. In simplest terms, however, a brand is not what YOU say your company is, it’s what your audiences THINK and FEEL you to be. A brand is embodied in an amalgam of perceptions, feelings, impressions–a gut reaction that people have formulated about a particular product, service, or organization. Your internal brand may be quality service, but a Microsoft clip art “logo” will not engender this feeling or perception.

There is, however, a difference between branding and a brand. Quite simply, a brand is reactive–your audience’s perception of you. Branding is proactive–encompassing all of the actions your organization undertakes to influence those audience perceptions. Branding efforts seek to create an appropriate, overarching voice, a personality; that voice is communicated through symbols such as logo, tagline and company name, extending to advertising and marketing strategies, customer service and personal contact–collectively known as “touchpoints.”

To be effective, branding symbols and touchpoints must correspond to and resonate with target audience(s). Your branding messages must accentuate what makes you and your offerings different and unique in comparison your competitors’ messaging (the power of “different”). With so little time to make a first impression, it is essential to communicate your message in a concise, clearly articulated manner that helps your audience “see” themselves in the brand. This is one most effectively by expressing benefits as opposed to features, descriptions of services, or some wonderful quality our businesses or we possess. (Your mugshot means little to people; what you can do for them–how you can solve their problem, or satisfy their needs–means everything.)

The fine balance of branding is making an emotional impact upon your audiences, through benefits important to them, while communicating your essence with skill and subtlety (showing, not telling). To do all of this with a symbol, a few words and brief messages is challenging, but when it’s done right, you will get noticed!

Call SalesFish today and our high-touch, dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals, and the marketing and sales tactics best suited to your specific needs. And, yes, we will also advise you on the best A.I. tools that actually work and complement the real people in your business!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
The Screwtape Letters: Invisibility

The Screwtape Letters: Invisibility

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

To: Wormwood
From: Screwtape
Subject: Making the Patient Invisible

My Dear Wormwood,

You will of course pardon the recent pause in my communications. I trust you have been keeping up with your duty to make the patient stumble. Need I remind you of the consequences, should his business thrive? I think not.

You have done a reasonable job of influencing the patient to buy into the present zeitgeist: An unbalanced focus on sales and marketing to the near exclusion of branding. Branding is the process of strategically creating coordinated words and images to make an indelible impression on the human psyche. Branding should be a continual creative endeavor, though I’m glad to say that most think of it as a one and done. How sweet are the words, “I’ve done my branding.”

Look around you…everywhere, outdated logos, names without taglines, ad campaigns that go straight for the jugular without any style or strategy. It’s laughable! The patient thinks he can “get by” because his branding is “done.” That’s exactly what we want him to think!

Technology is moving so fast that the human mind has developed coping mechanisms to deal with the constant barrage to the senses. To survive in a visually-cluttered marketplace, the brain automatically ignores what it’s already seen. As the enemy would say: If you’re not innovating, you’re invisible. Only the constantly creative will survive.

Keeping the patient stuck in the blind spot of commerce is simple. Continue encouraging him to obsess on marketing for the sale, while virtually neglecting his brand. The more obscure and outdated his brand becomes, the harder he will work for ever-diminishing returns. In time, he will achieve complete invisibility and slide into oblivion, buried by more relevant brands.

Your affectionate Uncle,


P.S. The Patient must not be allowed to work with the enemy (He is a mighty warrior of that Intrepid full-service marketing agency in Bend, Oregon). He wields a powerful sword of creativity that cuts right through the clutter.

Call SalesFish today and our high-touch, dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals, and the marketing and sales tactics best suited to your specific needs. And, yes, we will also advise you on the best A.I. tools that actually work and complement the real people in your business!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
The Value of Mistakes

The Value of Mistakes

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

Failure may not be an option, but it is a specter that stalks the psyche of those who endeavor to start, own or run a business. Most businesspeople try hard to avoid what the world considers failure, but if one chooses to see the value in setbacks, failure loses its sting. “Where there is fear of failure, there is failure,” said General George Patton.

Muhammad Ali said, “To be a champion, fight one more round.” JFK said, “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” Most people will experience failure on the path to success, and it could even be said that setbacks are prerequisites to success.

Here are a few benefits we gain from “failure” that can ultimately lead to success:

  • Perseverance: A gritty determination to keep going no matter the obstacles is often what separates those who win from those who quit. If we refuse to be beaten, then we never will be. The more we “fail,” the more perseverance we develop, and the more likely we are to find success. A speech Rocky Balboa gave his son in Rocky VI is apropos:

“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t how hard you hit; it’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Get up and keep moving forward.”

  • Knowledge: One of the most valuable benefits of setbacks is the opportunity to learn and adapt. “Success can only be achieved through repeated failure and introspection,” according to Soichiro Honda, founder of Honda Motors. “The wise learn many things from their foes,” said ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes.
  • Resourcefulness: Former Navy Seal Richard Marchinko wrote that, “Mistakes are messengers, telling us that we have not yet fully understood the situation. Every mistake is an opportunity to correct the course of action…yesterday’s solutions are today’s mistakes, and today’s mistakes are tomorrow’s innovations.” Resourcefulness is knowledge and introspection put into action. It means doing things differently, and creatively adjusting your thinking and your strategies.

Call SalesFish today and our high-touch, dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals, and the marketing and sales tactics best suited to your specific needs. And, yes, we will also advise you on the best A.I. tools that actually work and complement the real people in your business!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales
Using Content to Drive Conversions

Using Content to Drive Conversions

Welcome to SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales, the most strategically biased B2B Marketing Agency, telemarketing services, telemarketing companies (sales agency) and digital marketing companies, serving Orange County, Los Angeles, San Jose, Sacramento and the Pacific Northwest (Bend, Portland, Seattle). We gladly serve California and all 50 United States!

No matter how much content you may be generating to promote your business, you also have to think about the bottom line. Is your content driving a sufficient level of conversions? Here are some tips on creating content, which will be powerful in achieving this crucial aim!

  • Focus on one thing. Content usually is more effective if it is emphasizing a single call to action, rather than multiple goals. You will increase the probability of conversions if you guide the readers along a journey towards taking just one critical step. Don’t distract them in a way that dissipates their energy in multiple directions.
  • Practice balanced link building. This point of keeping a proper focus with your content is prominently displayed when it comes to the important topic of link building. While it is recognized that lots of links can often be a factor in building a strong SEO rating for your website, don’t overdo it! When link building gets out of balance, conversions rates tend to go way down. Readers have too high of a chance of being taken away from your site before they even reach your primary call to action!
  • Tap the power of association. In some cases your readers may be further convinced of your legitimacy and take your call to action if they see you associating with someone they already recognize. If is often valuable for a growing business to try to work with name brands while their own brand is not yet well known. Equally effective can be personal communications, such as interviews with prominent people within an industry. Although they are not always so easy to obtain, these types of relationships can be effective at increasing brand awareness and a higher conversion ratio. If you are fortunate enough to have some of these valuable connections, keep an appropriate amount of energy focused on maintaining them.
  • Speak to needs. You website calls to action will be more effective when readers feel that you deeply understand their needs and wants. The public tends to more strongly trust people who are genuinely empathetic with their day-to-day problems. So establish a genuine rapport! What issues might they be struggling with, and have you had any similar challenges? If so, how did you more successfully navigate the hazardous terrain?  It might even be possible for you to describe how one of the products or services that your company currently offers helped you with your own tricky situation! This could be a great opportunity to engage in some compelling story telling based on real life. A story which closes with a convincing call to action in a timely manner!

Call SalesFish today and our high-touch, dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals, and the marketing and sales tactics best suited to your specific needs. And, yes, we will also advise you on the best A.I. tools that actually work and complement the real people in your business!

Stay tuned for more relevant content on creating world-class digital marketing strategies and B2B telemarketing sales strategies. We at SalesFish Brand Marketing & Sales thank you for joining us in our commitment to unwavering strategic planning, B2B brand marketing and B2B sales execution.

Call today and our “high-touch” dedicated team will assist you in assessing your strategic sales goals to tailor our marketing and sales tactics to your specific needs.

SalesFish B2B Telemarketing Services

SalesFish Net of Sales Services:

  • B2B Direct Sales, Channel Sales and Marketing Strategies
  • On-Site B2B Presentation, Negotiation and Sales
  • B2B Telemarketing and B2B Telesales Services
  • Cold Calls and Appointment Setting
  • Online Presentations and Webinars
  • Product Awareness and Announcement Calls
  • Primary Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Surveys
  • Experiential Event Marketing
  • Pre and Post-Event Calls
  • Audience Acquisition, Exhibit Sales and Sponsorship Sales